The station's got a real good groove goin' now. With so much variety of styles, all joined together by the groove, makes it sound real fresh and original. Now we need to spread it around and let everyone else get hooked! Ain't easy, tho'... People get caught up in their own narrow little grooves and can't free up their minds to accept variety. They listen to things that are tied together with their own little thread. They don't always git what's goin' on when they come across sumptin' new. Sometimes that thread isn't so clear! Ya gotta look at it from a different angle to see it. When you find it, you know it's good! You wonder why you didn't see it before. You say, "How come I didn't see this mofo before? What was I lookin' at? Now, I get it!" So, remember that next time you see somethin' different. Is it what you think it is? Do you get it? Free your mind and your ears will follow!
Tomorrow's the Bob Dylan concert. Man, this is gonna be good. I saw him, I think it was sometime during the 90's, at the AZ State fair. Really good show. For some reason, I was surprised. Don't think he'll catch me off guard this time though...
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