Alright! My first blog! Second if you wanna count the Myspace one. With Myspace slowly dying out, I thought I'd try the blog scene to get the word out on NOTIMEWARP RADIO. You see the description up top. It's a cool mix of that stuff, with songs coming in and out alla the time. It's stuff I like. If I like it, I'll play it. If I don't, I won't. Not that I'm not open to suggestions. By all means, turn me onta sumpin'! But I'm not gonna listen to crap I don't like. My idea for this blog is to talk about what's playin', what's new, what I like, share some of my musical knowledge, and anything that's related to the station. The station's kinda like an ipod I can share with the world. Hopefully, I can put out stuff that people enjoy and come back to and, most important, turn people onta stuff that's cool. It's probably a bit more old school that current but don't be surprised to hear something brand new either. There's a lotta classic rock artists on here but not the same tired-ass songs played alla the time on classic rock radio. Maybe I'll play a live or longer version but don't expect "Baba O'Reilly" to be on anytime soon. There's old and electric blues in there, as well as some soul and funk from back in da day, contemporary native american stuff, reggae, and even some old school rap thrown in. Whatever's good! Free your mind and your ears will follow. Let alla the cool tunes in and groove your soul! Know whadda mean? Ok, no novels. There's plenty of time to blab later. Go to http://www.notimewarp.com/ and see whatcha think. Hope you like variety... :)
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