It's been almost 5 months now since NOTIMEWARP RADIO went into hibernation. During that time, I've gotten to check out a buncha great music in places I might never had ventured. See, when the station was going, I really didn't want to listen to anything else, 'cause, why would I? Hours and hours of songs I've hand picked, of only things I like? Good thing I've got great taste in music! But, if I don't listen to anything else, how am I gonna get in any fresh blood? So, now every day is a music safari, checking out the jungle that is the internet and seeing what I can add to the party. I've done a little exploring to other stations hosted by Live365. Found a coupla good ones so far there. Native based stations like KNBA in Anchorage has turned me on to some stuff. And, god, how can you not be turned on by WWOZ in New Orleans? With the sorry state of regular terrestrial radio, community radio is one of the last bastions for fresh music. I kinda dug Pandora for a while until they decided to stick you with an ad every time you skipped over a song. I figured they could stick their ads somewhere else. True, I could always pay for the service and not hafta listen to any ads but, there's still places you can listen for free without ads. Which brings me to my Napster subscription. $15 every 3 months, in which I am given 15 song credits. I like the arrangement because I at least get some music back for my money. While they don't have everything by everybody, there's still a ton of stuff to go and check out. So, the new stuff keeps flowing in and the collection continues to expand. I need to sit down and talk about some of the stuff I've been coming across. I gotta save that for another time. It's been tough getting back to the blog lately with the cards life's been chucking at me lately. Doesn't always make you feel inspired to create something vaguely interesting for the folks to read. But, have no fear my readers... I feel a shot of inspiration coming on the horizon... Til we groove again...